Threehills Larder News

Hello! It’s been quite a while since we have been able to update our website because we have been super busy opening our second larder! Exciting!

Anyway, onto the good stuff! We are so pleased to be able to add an update along with these wonderful images.

Our second Larder has been open for a few weeks now. Every day we see new faces and we are delighted to be able to welcome so many lovely folk to Threehills.

We’ve had pensioners coming for their bread and milk, young parents from the nursery next door doing their shopping after they’ve picked the weans up, vegetarians absolutely DELIGHTED we stock Soya Milk(!) families who have filled up with meals and essentials, and so many more people it would be hard to fit them all in this one post. We’ve been overwhelmed with the response we’ve had and to say we are chuffed is a bit of an understatement. Member numbers are climbing and we are so pleased to be finally doing what we do best. Serving the Greater Pollok community.

We’ve also been chapping doors and delivering thousands of Threehills Larder leaflets all over Greater Pollok! If you haven’t yet received your leaflet please follow us on social media for all the latest updates and progress. You’ll find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The Larder is open on Mondays and Thursdays 10am until 5pm.

It’s easy to register for a FREE Membership too. Just click on the ‘REGISTER’ button at the top of the screen, or come in to see us and we can fill in the form together.

The Larder at Southside Daycare will continue to ensure that local residents receive support now while the building work begins on the main Community Supermarket just five minutes away at 409 Nitshill Road.

See you soon!

